Eldwick Primary School 25 Leavers Hoodie

£22.00 inc. VAT

Eldwick Primary School 25 Leavers Hoodie

Make sure you enter the following code during checkout for free delivery and a £4 discount which is contributed to by the ESA.

Voucher Code = ESA2025

You can customise the hoodie by selecting a name or initials to be printed on the front right chest. 

Please also add which class your child is in so that its easier to hand out at the school.

Orders to be placed by Friday 11th April. 

  • *Size: No selection

    *Colour: No selection

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SKU: EPS1 Category:


With print on the back and front of the hoodie. All orders will be sent directly to the school.

Make sure you enter the following code during checkout for free delivery and a £4 discount which is contributed to by the ESA.

Voucher Code = ESA2025

You can customise the hoodie by selecting a name or initials to be printed on the front right chest. 

Please also add which class your child is in so that its easier to hand out at the school.

Orders to be placed by Friday 11th April.

Additional information

Weight0.5 kg

9-11 (32" Chest), 12-13 (34" Chest), S (36" Chest), M (40" Chest), L (44" Chest)